On Friday, 24 July; Auditorium Casa della Musica Via Capitelli 3, Trieste
5,00- 7,00 p.m.
Registration: centrostudicultgiov@gmail.com
Live streaming: youtube https://youtu.be/gnnSUTl_Vtc
Is a critical revision of the individualistic paradigm that opposes the disciplines of the historical-moral world to the exact sciences possible? Is it possible instead to develop a relational paradigm that is transversal to scientific methodologies even in their special applications?
Scientists from various areas deal with this topic by discussing “form”, “relationship”, “complexity” starting from the studies on Languages and Dialogue as “the complex Whole”.
Contributions of Neurolinguistics (Christina Valaki) and Artificial Intelligence on the “birth” of languages in the spaces of interaction enter the game (Andrea Sgarro); of Physics and History on “emergencies”, according to obviously very different points of view (IgnazioLicata); of Juridical Sciences on the fundamental effects that this change of paradigm entails in the form of subjectivity (Gabriella Valera). Main Speaker Edda Weigand, LInguist.
A literate- scientist Giuseppe O. Longo leads the game.